Monday, March 6, 2017

Lenten Psalm of Awakening

Too lovely not to share, we opened relent with this one and it offers food for thought.  It has been three years and I continue to ignore this spot, maybe it's finally time to wake up.

Lenten Psalm of Awakening
Come, O Life-giving Creator,
and rattle the door latch
of our slumbering hearts.
Awaken us as you breathe upon
a winter-wrapped earth,
gentling calling to life,
Awaken in these fortified days
of Lenten prayer and discipline
our youthful dreams of holiness.
Call us forth from our prisons
of past defeats and disappointments
and our narrow patterns of being
to make our ordinary lives extraordinarily alive
through the passion of our love.
Show to us during these Lenten days
how to take the daily things of life
and by submerging them in the sacred
To infuse them with a great love
for you, O God, and for others.
Guide us to perform simple acts of love and prayer,
the real works of reform and renewal
of this overture to the spring of the Spirit.
Loving God, help us not to waste these precious Lenten days
of our soul’s spiritual springtime.
Adapted from Edward Hays, Prayers for a Planetary Pilgrim