Friday, April 16, 2010

"Look at the stars, look how they shine for you."

I've been following the Friday Foto Challenges at Rebecca's for a few weeks now, and I wanted to participate in last week's blue theme, but didn't have my memory card reader so I couldn't upload the photos I took.

But now I'm participating in this week's yellow challenge, which, I have to admit, I'm not too crazy about. I love photography, but there simply isn't a lot of intriguing yellow objects to take pictures of around my house.

This week, you witness my obsession with macro photographs. Maybe next week I'll take some regular shots. ;^)

The yellow suns on my guitar strap immediately caught my eye after I saw that the challenge for this week was yellow.

My sister was pouring honey on her cornbread, and the yellow-ness of it all was too perfect.

The bear confetti (from a Fall Out Boy concert last spring - YEAH!) is actually a very pale neon green - but I decided it looks yellow enough. And the Clandestine Industries receipt is definitely yellow.

P.S., the title is from the song "Yellow" by Coldplay.

I couldn't resist.


  1. I love coldplay... what kind of guitar do you have you?

  2. Honey is yellowish.. I liked that one very much.. great job!

  3. I like the honey on the cornbread!

  4. LOVED the honey on cornbread shot !!! :)

  5. I was trying to figure in that song, too, but could not remember for the life of me who sang it!
    The corn bread one is great!

  6. Thanks so much everyone!

    Collin - I love Coldplay too. I've got a Fender DG-20S, I think. It's an acoustic - I bought it off Craigslist for $60. :)

  7. Honey on the cornbread is my favorite.

  8. Love the honey on the cornbread shot!

  9. Mmmmm.... honey on cornbread - sounds good and looks good. Great job!
