I've been noticing how much I tend to judge books, music, along with various people, by their "covers". For instance, whenever I receive my monthly issue of Alternative Press, I go through the magazine and write down all the names of the bands and musicians I'm unfamiliar with to check out later (did your nerd-dar just go off?) - and I've been researching March's music this week. Within my avid iTunes browsing, I've been automatically pegging bands by their cover art. I find myself cringing looking up Sayyadina, fairly assured they're going to be metal-screamo-rip-your-eardrums-out, relaxing as Grizzly Bear pops up on the screen, prepared for some true indie-rock chill out time, and trying to decide how long I'm going to be able to stomach the uber-cute-ness of NeverShoutNever - all before I even click the "play" button. There are countless other instances, and it's not often that I'm that far off the mark (and I'm sure it's not just me. After you look up enough albums, you'd get pretty good at it too). There isn't a band that comes to mind that has truly opposite music than their cover art predicts - and why is that?
Maybe it's the same reason we dress up for church, for job interviews, for parties. Why would we do that if people didn't judge us on our external appearances? We rarely just roll out of bed, hair sticking up every which-way with that chocolate ice cream stain from last night's dessert rubbed into our 3-year-old summer camp shirt and walk outside into the world. If people truly didn't "judge books by their covers" then it wouldn't matter.
Is it a good thing to want to look respectable when we go out? I know there are some days when you just don't care - we've all seen what that's like, whether it be experiencing "one of those days" ourselves or just witnessing another person having one. But taking the time to get ourselves ready and presentable is sort of a sacred time in our busy lives. I know, personally, it makes me feel better to wash my face, brush my hair and get dressed than just lounging around in my pajamas all day (I will admit, I've stayed in my pajamas for 36+ hours before - and it wasn't when I was sick). It's a refreshing time in the morning to wake up and consider what the day ahead will be like. Wearing an outfit you love can make you feel better about yourself, and we all know confident people are the most welcoming.
There are certain situations when dressing in clothes that not only look nice, but make you feel good, is key. Take a job interview for example - if you want the job, you don't just skulk in, clothes rumpled, hair tangled, smacking gum on a really craptastic day. You're obviously going to be oozing "get away from me - I feel awful". You stand up straight, dress nicely and do the best you can to show your possible employer how you will present yourself - even if it is a craptastic day. One of my mom's favorite sayings is "fake it 'till you make it". Dressing well can make you feel good about yourself - and hey, if you get the job, that's just an added bonus.
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