Tomorrow is the triathlon, a second annual for the family. Only two participants this year as last year and daddy is very excited. He gets a little goofy when he is excited. It is fun to watch. There is clearly joy in his heart when people he cares about do absurd athletic events with him. Years ago I watched the same thing happen when I started doing weekend distance rides on my bike. These events didn't even require we ride together. I would do 33 miles and he would do 50, we started the route together and at some point the real distance riders veered off, we would part and would have to search each other out at the end of the ride. The first time I completed a 33 mile route and we reconnected by the car, it was like having a friendly puppy at your heels, bumping, nipping, playful and no matter how annoying you would still find yourself smiling at the antics. Tennis too brought on some of this euphoria, a silly giddiness, that prompted sweaty kisses as we switched ends of the court. It is not just doing things together, but they must involve athletics.
A week ago my eldest said "Daddy is really excited about the triathlon." I try not to "Duh" my daughters but was sorely tempted in this case. "Yes," I said. "he really enjoys doing these kinds of activities with family."
"No," she said. "You don't understand, he is really excited and acting kinda goofy."
"Yes, he is, just get use to it, it is part of something bigger than both of us so just enjoy"
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