Thursday, August 4, 2011

Fall Obligations

Must learn how to post photos and links to keep this from becoming even less interesting. The weeks of summer have flown, and fall is racing forward and I am not ready. I like the peacefulness of summer the unhurried days and sitting by a pool with certain regularity. But I now have to plan for fall.

We have begun some art and begun the religion, but not a whole lot more. Butterflies and gardens are fading and they have asked for more history and french? Math is set and language arts at least I know what we will be doing for that. Chemistry did also emerge this summer and will resume as our instructor's other obligations dissipate. History co-op will resume this fall on Fridays, but I think we will also cover early modern times on our own as well. Theatre and Tae kwon do will take care of themselves. Book clubs continue in September, OH I need to pick a title for the first meeting, now.

I am also looking at creating classes that involve sewing, and maybe recycling, and maybe some crafts, and can you tell the ideas are still floundering? I have to appeal to a wide age range, offer substantive learning opportunities, with minimal supplies, and all in one hour. This is really stretching the creative brain. I plan to hit the bookstores this weekend as I know there are sources there. The library failed me yesterday, nothing of interest on the shelves and not much that was missing or checked out. I did not have time to check the kids department so I may have missed something but the adult section was dismal. These classes need to be pulled together with syllabus and cost by next week.

All while we travel out of town for a birthday party... Enough with the musings must get to work.

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