Saturday, August 27, 2011
A week ago my eldest said "Daddy is really excited about the triathlon." I try not to "Duh" my daughters but was sorely tempted in this case. "Yes," I said. "he really enjoys doing these kinds of activities with family."
"No," she said. "You don't understand, he is really excited and acting kinda goofy."
"Yes, he is, just get use to it, it is part of something bigger than both of us so just enjoy"
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Why the anxiety? I don't know I have children that must worry about something, this is foreign to me, I can enjoy life and exist for days in a bliss filled state of happiness actually pushing worry out of the way on purpose. But my daughters cannot, the seem to need to fret all the time. Even when things are going remarkably well, they will actually seek out things to worry over. Like after a beautiful day at the beach with friends, one of the girls corners me and asks to talk, this is code for I am worried about something and need to discuss it. Some minor event during our time at the beach will be front and center taking the polish off the day. I try. I try to remind that this isn't really all that important and didn't you really have a good time today? But it is as futile as shoveling during a blizzard, we must moan, and whine, and rehash the slights, and wounds, and mishaps or my day would not be complete.
This is not something I will ever miss.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
A Letter to My Daughter
You ask me so often WHY I love you and I feel so helpless in trying to express how much you mean to me and to my life. I know you will never understand fully unless you have a child of your own, but it is Kenyon times 1000. I wish I could wave a magic wand and it would let you feel even for a moment the depth of my love for you so you would no longer need to ask, you would just know.
We have watched you grow from the earliest days there are photos and journals that recorded the minutia. Daddy secretly called the hospital to get the test results and knew you were on the way before even I did, and he got to tell me and we both cried. That was one of the first happiest days of my life. Eight months later was another, you came into the world backwards, and blue and were whisked away before I even got a look. We held our breaths until we heard this little cry and thought then we couldn’t possibly love you more than at that moment, but we do because it keeps growing.
Each day provides opportunity for parental bonds to get stronger, to get to know this “person becoming” who now shares your life. And what a person you have become. More than I could have imagined, as a parent you would like to take credit for all the wonderful, but mostly it’s just you. We are so proud of the young woman you have grown into. Your work at school, your jobs, your college safari, all demonstrate a responsible, mature forward thinking person that leaves her peers in the dust. But more important than the endless creativity, artistic flair, and word mastery is the heart that beats at the center of all that passion and promise. It is that heart filled with genuine concern and caring that shines through even when it’s immediate surroundings seem bleak and dark, we are connected by that heart.
You have yours and I gave you mine 18 years ago, that is how I know exactly how beautiful you truly are. Allowing one’s heart to romp about unprotected isn’t always easy, there are the bumps and bruises of childhood and the rending of adolescence, but on the whole you have taken great care of mine and I feel safe knowing a bit of me is always with you. In exchange for the hazards I get a peek at what makes up the core of you, there is a light there that warms me, consoles me, fills me with hope for you. You make me a better person, by all that you are.
As we face the future together, a great abyss at this moment, know that you are more than I could ever have hoped for in a daughter, I am honored to be your mom. Know too that doubt and faith go hand in hand, during those darkest times, I am there with you and Christ is with me, if you don’t see that, it’s ok, you don’t have to, I have faith enough for both of us.
I Love You, forever and always no matter what,
Monday, August 8, 2011
Procrastination, again
I hope. I really believe at this point it is only my schedule that is out of control and this will change after a week of concentrated class preparation. I am teaching three classes this fall, including two new ones, instead of just one and new classes always require more upfront work than I remember. My oldest is in charge of her own schedule and she has done a much better job this fall than I have. The younger two won't be over booked, because they keep trying to skate on the academics, which makes for no extra-curriculars, makes me a bit sad but I refuse to fight as it's ineffective. So onward to class prep and a lowered heart rate.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Two weeks wasn't enough.

Thursday, August 4, 2011
Fall Obligations
We have begun some art and begun the religion, but not a whole lot more. Butterflies and gardens are fading and they have asked for more history and french? Math is set and language arts at least I know what we will be doing for that. Chemistry did also emerge this summer and will resume as our instructor's other obligations dissipate. History co-op will resume this fall on Fridays, but I think we will also cover early modern times on our own as well. Theatre and Tae kwon do will take care of themselves. Book clubs continue in September, OH I need to pick a title for the first meeting, now.
I am also looking at creating classes that involve sewing, and maybe recycling, and maybe some crafts, and can you tell the ideas are still floundering? I have to appeal to a wide age range, offer substantive learning opportunities, with minimal supplies, and all in one hour. This is really stretching the creative brain. I plan to hit the bookstores this weekend as I know there are sources there. The library failed me yesterday, nothing of interest on the shelves and not much that was missing or checked out. I did not have time to check the kids department so I may have missed something but the adult section was dismal. These classes need to be pulled together with syllabus and cost by next week.
All while we travel out of town for a birthday party... Enough with the musings must get to work.