Sunday, July 17, 2011


I am here.

Gambier, Ohio.

It's about as small town as you'd think Gambier, Ohio would be. Basically, the campus is the town. No one's in danger of leaving campus. Trust me.

The people are fabulous - my roommate is awesome, she likes photography and writing as well, so that's something we can *bond* over.

It was interesting to introduce ourselves - I got to know a lot of people because everyone's all over the place and interjecting themselves into the conversation. You get to know the people in your dorm and people who you've walked around with a lot, and I'm excited to start classes tomorrow so I'll get to know more people there.

The day has been exhausting - I didn't get much sleep last night or in the car, and then when we got here, it was pretty much a go-go-go day. We had a tour of the campus, dinner, then met our program directors/RAs/instructors and introduced ourselves to the entire camp by saying our names, where we were from, and one word to describe the trip.

You could definitely tell some people were trying to impress - there were some words I didn't know at all. Ah, well, it's a time to learn, right?

The campus is beautiful - the dorms are bleary, but it's only two weeks. I hope I'll be outside or in some of the pretty buildings a lot of the time. The dining hall is FANTASTIC. There's a modern section and then part where it literally looks like the Hogwarts Great Hall. And it's amazing.

I'll see if I have time to take pictures tomorrow - from what it sounds like, it's going to be a busy two weeks. We already have homework.

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