Well obviously if my latest resolution was to be more diligent in my blogging, I failed. Fortunately that wasn't my first resolution, but has to be a later one at some point. I find blogging a struggle as I can't imagine that anyone really wants to read about the daily happenings in my life. Events are either too mundane and I feel the need to embellish which seems just stupid, or they are all together too personal to spread all over the internet and endanger the relationships in my house. What remains after the removal of boring and traumatic just won't fill a daily post, so until I figure out how to babble more regularly, I will just continue to write as the spirit moves me.
I am in the midst of 7 different books but have reached the end of none, and of the seven one holds the promise of endorsement. Seven books!!!! you say. Is it any wonder one of my daughters has a touch of the ADHA stuff. I find when a book begins to slow down or my interest wanes a touch (wandering) my solution is to pick up another book and start reading. I also keep and read books by location, one in the car on audio, sometimes two, one at the bookstore, sometimes two or three, a couple on the Nook, and another hard copy of something at home. Therefore I never get bored with reading but do sometimes get stuck with seven titles and not an end in sight. I also sometimes forget a book for quite some time and a conversation will come up about the book, usually someone extolling the virtues of the book I failed to finish, and they inspire me to pick it up again, or merely remind me to get it back in the rotation.
Reading also interferes with blogging. You have to make a choice about where you spend your daily minutes and reading is way easier and more relaxing than writing so guess what I choose. I convince myself that I am setting an example for my dyslexic daughters by modeling good reading habits. This rationalization is necessary to remove the guilt of neglected household chores, and create excuses for doing that which I enjoy too much.
There are worse habits!
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