it's just that I'm always not sure how to say it.
There are many rants that well up in my mind, or issues that come up that I have an opinion on, but I can't figure out how to express my opinions on them without seeming catty or bossy or just downright annoying.
I hate when people do the whole I-am-better-than-you-because-I-think-this-and-you-don't thing because I believe there's different opinions for everything (though the other person's opinion is generally wrong... ;)) and all opinions should be heard out and discussed.
Enough for being not sure about what to say.
I'll give you an update on life.
Our family went to Washington, DC this past week and it was fun, although very, very, very hot. It was 90+ degrees every day there. A girl passed out at Arlington cemetery cause it was so freaking hot out. But we managed to stay cool and not die. :)
We toured the Capitol, went to many, many museums, saw all the memorials and monuments, went to the zoo, walked around a LOT, went to Quanitco (insert Criminal Minds fangirl squee here) and saw the changing of the guard plus a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington cemetery.
It was a lot of fun, and there's still too much more to see in DC! I'll have to go back sometime again. :)